Career Transition Coaching [top]

This program is designed to help individuals facing a career transition due to corporate downsizing, college graduation, or a search for a fulfilling/rewarding career. Objectives of the program are to assist you in identifying career alternatives, enhancing job search skills, developing action plans and maintaining momentum by staying motivated.


Assessments * – Match your behavioral skills and values to the job market through the use of individual assessments.  It is estimated that up to 50% of employees are in jobs that do not match their strengths and values.


Resume Critique – Learn to present your experience and education in a way that will get you noticed by your targeted organization. Set your resume apart from the others submitted.


Interview Role-Play – Learn to feel comfortable and confident during the interview process by developing skills to help you prepare for those tough questions, understanding what employers look for during the interview process and discovering what messages you may be conveying.


One-on-One Coaching – Stay focused and motivated in your job search and readily transition into your new job through one-on-one coaching.

Entrepreneurial Coaching [top]

With a tight job market, more and more individuals are starting their own business.  This program is designed for the entrepreneur who is starting a new business or wishes to grow an established business.


Assessments * – Identify your strengths and determine those areas/tasks that may be a challenge to a sole proprietor or small business team.


Vision, Strategy and Plan Development – Receive support and assistance in the development of the essential elements of your business model including mission statement, business strategies, marketing plan, and action steps.


One-on-One Coaching – Identify barriers, stretch outside your comfort zone, and stay focused and motivated as you execute your business model.

Executive and Business Development Coaching [top]

This program is designed to assist executives and other professionals in developing strategies and skills to grow the business, prepare to assume greater job responsibility, and/or effectively carry out those responsibilities already assigned.


Assessments * – Gather information about your management style, communication skills, and interpersonal relationships via individual and 360° assessments.


Personalized Developmental Plan Understand and develop skills and characteristics required to be an effective leader, including personal presence, effective decision-making, and strategic vision.


Vision, Strategy and Plan Development – Receive support and assistance in the development of formalized plans and strategies to grow or sustain your business, execute your assigned responsibilities to achieve significant results, and/or transition to the next level of your career.  


One-on-One Coaching – Stay focused and motivated via one-one one coaching as you execute your developmental and business plans, take risks and implement change, and assume additional responsibilities.

Leadership Development Coaching [top]

This program is designed for those professionals looking to enhance their leadership skills.  Whether you are a professional with newly assigned leadership responsibilities or have held a leadership role for many years, you will benefit from this program.  Objectives are to assist you in developing skills to manage interpersonal relationships, create a collaborative work environment, and inspire others to attain peak performance. 


360° Assessments – Obtain critical information about your management style, interpersonal skills, and relationships from stakeholders such as direct reports, colleagues, customers, and managers via 360° feedback tools.


Understanding Management and Behavioral Styles Learn the impact that your management style has on communication, as well as, motivating others. Learn to leverage the strengths of you and your staff by understanding personal behavior styles.


Coaching and Developing Others Learn to inspire and support the development of others by utilizing a coaching and mentoring management style. Foster high levels of commitment and performance, and learn to coach others to be self-managing and self-initiating. 


One-on-One Coaching – Successfully enhance your communication skills and management style with the support of one-on-one coaching.

Organizational Development and Effectiveness [top]

Specialized programs are customized for organizations who are interested in becoming more effective in accomplishing their goals and vision. Examples of customized programs include:


Surveys (Employee or Customer) – Assess effectiveness of the workplace environment and/or customer service. Determine motivational factors, assess satisfaction and evaluate the risk of employee turnover or lost customers. 


Team Development and Selection – Understand the strengths and limitations of each individual team contributor through the use of behavioral assessments*.   Ensure the formation of a well-balanced team.


Team Facilitation – Ensure teams are converting organizational and team goals into action and are operating at peak performance.

Personal Coaching [top]

This program is designed for the individual who is looking to make substantial changes in their personal life. Areas of concentration for personal coaching may include developing confidence and self-esteem, creating focus, or dealing with family demands.

Workshops & Presentations [top]

Workshops, presentations or specialized programs can be customized to meet the needs of your group or organization.  Examples include:


Mentoring – Learn the benefits of implementing a formalized mentor program and developing a coaching/mentoring management style. Understand the elements of a successful program.


Teambuilding – Enhance group dynamics and communication through hands-on exercises.


Training - Develop such skills as communication, influencing, conflict management, and leadership through formal training programs and group exercises.


Work/life balance – Participate in group workshops designed to help participants obtain balance between career and family, establish and reach goals, and receive s\upport to take risks.

* Deborah utilizes the DISC Behavioral Assessment and the Personal Interests, Attitudes and Values (PIAV) Assessment in her practice. She is a Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst and a Certified Professional Values Analyst. [top]

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